Pahahahahaha. If you involved the girl who lives upstairs, she’s most likely gonna want to go about wasting police time, for… Get this… Indecent exposure! For being topless or naked in my own garden! The silly cow doesn’t realise it’s completely legal to be butt naked in your own garden! It’s also not illegal to be naked in public I discovered when looking things up a few weeks ago after accidentally bumping into her as I was taking Buddy out. You can only be done for indecent exposure if your aim is to cause distress. Which, funnily enough, is the exact opposite of my aim! Hahaha. The silly bitch.
Haha, god, I hate doing the washing up. The muscles around my lower back, butt and thigh are what make me hate it! They don’t like all the leaning and twisting. Gaaaah
Naaaaw, cheers dude! I actually have NO IDEA why this video has just appeared on my page. It was one that I uploaded to FapHouse months and months ago! They have different ways of sharing the fanclub vids and one option is to keep it purely for your paying fans for a month before the entire things gets shared here. But it’s well over a month ago that I uploaded it there!
Lying in bed now, stroking my cock, imagining standing behind you playing, with those fabulous tits, teasing your nipples and rubbing my erection against your bare arse.